How to Build Expiring Links in Infusionsoft to Create Urgency

Expiring links are an amazing way to create a sense of urgency in your prospects. If you’ve read Robert Cialdini’s book about Influence, you’ll see how this fits perfectly into his ‘scarcity’ principle.

Marketers have used this tactic for decades and now you can automate the process in Infusionsoft.

In the video below, I give an example of a business offering all new prospects a chance to buy their $100 product at 50% off, but only for 24 hours and then it expires. When it expires, the prospects are taken to a new page letting them know they missed the deal.

Infusionsoft makes this process really simple so that each prospect is getting the full 24 hours regardless of when they become a prospect.

This isn’t the most bullet-proof method, but it’s a great start if you haven’t implemented something like this in your business yet.

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