How to Make A Responsive (Mobile-Friendly) Infusionsoft Order Form

UPDATE [February 2016]: All NEW Infusionsoft order form themes are now responsive in Infusionsoft, making this process obsolete.

Infusionsoft order forms combined with Infusionsoft’s campaign builder provide an amazing ability for any business to automate some really cool stuff. Unfortunately, the Infusionsoft order forms aren’t natively responsive (mobile-friendly).

If a large portion of your prospects and customers shop from their mobile device, you’ll want to make sure that your order forms are responsive so your customers have great experience purchasing from yo
The following code will allow you to create a mobile responsive order form theme in Infusionsoft. Please note that right now, this only works for digital products, meaning products you don’t ship. The shipping address hasn’t been made responsive yet.

With some basic CSS knowhow (or Google searches), you should be able to additional elements to your theme like fonts and background color to better match your website and brand. Check out this site for some basic tutorials for the do-it-yourselfers.

Go ahead and swipe & implement this and let me know if you have any questions along the way. Would love any feedback you have.

Heads up: As with any custom coding within Infusionsoft, this can break at anytime due to an Infusionsoft update and Infusionsoft support will not be able to support you on it.





photo credit: ♡ Love you to ♡ via photopin (license)

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